Mary Testimony

It has been a year of the excitement and fun of getting to do the things I enjoy most in an environment tailor made for success.  Never have I ever been so fulfilled or known such joy even in doing the simplest and most mundane task.  So much of what was taught and emphasized year one and year two in Bible school became a reality this year in the best possible way.  I can truly say without hesitation that God has given me the desires of my heart.  I am wealthy beyond measure in the true riches.  I am satisfied and yet my hunger and desire for more of the Lord continues to intensify.  What an amazing place to be and I know I have only scratched the surface.

At a time when so much is rising and falling, when the systems of this world are teetering on collapse, when deception and bad news are the norm, my heart is full of joy and singing knowing my future is bright.  I have been placed here for such a time as this to take my place and fulfill my call even if that means I will have to give my life.  So be it!
