Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
This truly was the day that the Lord had made. From the early morning high level of expectancy was vibrating in the air as well as in the hearts of the whole congregation. This really was fulfilling of statement „ No man left behind „ Everybody in the church did the part to get the whole work done. That was like a total mobilization in the local branch of Gods army! And most important that anyone got mobilized absolutely voluntarily-no one was forced to fight on Jesus side…this was the day of fighting against opression and depression. Though the outcame of this battle was foreknown -it`s a great pleasure to recall things that happened on this Sunday. First of all hunderads of people got saved , delivered from Satans domain and brought into the Kingdom of God. Holy transition directed by the Lord Jesus himself and accomplished through His body – The church ! What an awsome privilege and great experience it is to be in His will, respond to His call and be a part of what He is doing. What a sight it is to see little children along with their parents happily coming for toys and impatiently unripping them. Smiles, joy , laughter heard everyvhere …almost heavenly atmosphere. No fear, no depression- really a piece of heaven brought down to the earth in just an ordinary day…Somebody may say: „Wait ! you`re wrong ! It`s not just an ordinary day –it`s a Sunday in the church ! „
It is an ordinary day in a sense that anybody has ability to create such a day full of joy , happiness and presence of The Lord . All we need is to strech out our hands and our hearts to the others and Jesus himself will bless our touch and make any day like a gift that is more wonderful than we even could imagine.