Loyalty Tested

Little Works by Rodney Howard Browne

If you return to Job thirteen, you can read what Job originally owned. He had seven thousand sheep, and he winds up with 14,000. So his flocks grow as he feeds them and breeds them.

Their numbers increase to 2 times the original flock. And there’s also lots of land to graze, so that the sheep grow in number to fourteen thousand.

He could have been in a position to see from each window of his home delicious, green, and colourful plants and the expansion of all his crops. So that the man has 2x as much as he had before. He was rich before ; now he’s very loaded.

There are occasions when the Lord selects to praise certain people with way more than is sufficient. If envy is your besetting sin, I encourage you to wreck yourself from one of the most gruesome habits among Christian folk. I will be utterly fair with you, I hear it often. The great enticement is to remind the Lord of how trustworthy you’ve been when you see a neighbour or a friend whose business grows when yours does not.

Please stop attempting to outguess the Lord in such matters. It is both prejudiced and fallacious to presume that most rich people have not earned their wealth or did not receive them from the hand of Almighty God. Some of Almighty God’s dearest saints are eminently well off. If you’re one of them, you barely need the reminder that you did not create it yourself. And if He selects not to praise you as He has sanctified another, respect and appreciate His choice instead of resent it.